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ATSU Library offers resources at your fingertips!

Did you know that the A.T. Still Memorial Library has a clinical library app designed to provide easy access to the library’s resources? The app contains point-of-care resources in four areas – audiology, dental, medical and rehabilitation.

Each includes UpToDate and DynaMed for background information on confounding diseases, drug information, basic diagnostic and therapeutic books, and review books on procedures. “The ATSU Library clinical app will assist students in obtaining the evidence and resources needed during their clinical rotations,” said Mike Kronenfeld, university librarian and director, ATSMLib Arizona campus.

Users can select from the best and most relevant point-of-care and evidence-based databases. As well, students and faculty can also search the library’s all-in-one search tool, Browzine, to do a comprehensive search across all the library’s resources. “We’ve invested in the latest mobile solution for students and faculty, says Kronenfeld. The ATSU Memorial Library also offers access to The Chronicle of Higher Education. Sign up for the Chronicle newsletter by clicking on the “News” tab on the Chronicle website and signing up for the Academe Today newsletter for daily updates.

“You can use the RSS feeds on the sitemap to keep your RSS feed current with the latest articles in faculty or administration news, global higher ed, or any of the Chronicles blogs,” said Kronenfeld.


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